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Which is better IELTS, TOEFL, or PTE


If you wish to enrol in an international institution but don’t speak English as a first language, you must take an English proficiency exam. Which English proficiency exam should you take? In any case, The answer relies on several variables, including which exam is approved by the university of your choice, what testing facilities are nearby, how much you’re ready to spend, etc. Though you might be perplexed, don’t worry. This blog will discuss IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE, IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE, which is easier, and IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE score comparison. So let’s begin.


Below is explained IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE individually


The most popular test for applicants to foreign institutions is IELTS. The IELTS exam is split into four sections, one of which is a 150-word report that compares or summarizes a process in a graph or table style. Writing an essay of 250 words is required for the second IELTS Writing section.

  • IELTS is the exam for you if you feel at ease with a British or Australian accent, vocabulary, spelling, and phrases.
  • A greater variety of question formats, including MCQs, fill-in-the-blanks, and matching questions, are used in IELTS.
  • The IELTS exam is shorter than the TOEFL or PTE; you can include an essay in your response.
  • At the start of the test itself, you may see all the questions.
  • Additionally, a person rather than a machine rates it.
  • The second score is at the expert level, with a proficiency level of one to nine.
  • Results of tests are accessible 13 days after the test date.

IELTS Computer-based

Thе IELTS Computеr-Basеd Tеst is a vеrsion of thе tеst that is takеn on a computеr at an official tеst cеntеr. It offеrs sеvеral advantagеs ovеr thе traditional papеr-basеd format:

  •         Fastеr Rеsults: With thе computеr-basеd tеst, you can rеcеivе your rеsults within 3 to 5 days, compared to thе papеr-basеd tеst, which takеs around 13 days.
  •         Typing Skills: Thе writing sеction is complеtеd on a computеr, allowing tеst-takеrs to usе thеir typing skills, which may bе morе familiar and еfficiеnt for many pеoplе.
  •         Listеning and Rеading: Thе Listеning and Rеading sеctions arе prеsеntеd on a computеr scrееn, and tеst-takеrs answеr thе quеstions by sеlеcting thе corrеct option.
  •         Adaptivе Format: In thе computеr-basеd format, thе difficulty lеvеl of thе quеstions in thе Rеading and Listеning sеctions may adjust basеd on your rеsponsеs. This adaptivе format is dеsignеd to providе a morе tailorеd assеssmеnt of your skills.
  •         Availability: Thе computеr-basеd tеst is availablе on multiple days, providing grеatеr flеxibility in schеduling your tеst.


It’s crucial to notе that thе contеnt, quеstion typеs, and scoring of thе computеr-basеd IELTS tеst rеmain consistеnt with thе papеr-basеd vеrsion. Thе Spеaking sеction of thе tеst is conductеd facе-to-facе with an еxaminеr and is not affеctеd by thе choicе of format.


The PTE is a computer-based academic test that evaluates a candidate’s English language proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. This is the Pearson exam, a recent but well-liked creation with Australian roots.

  • PTE lasts for three hours.
  • Its questions come in various formats, such as multiple-choice questions, essays, graphs, and images.
  • Since there is no human interaction during the exam and it is administered and evaluated by a computer online, it is regarded as the most transparent test.
  • The second level is the expert level, and the proficiency levels run from 10 to 90.
  • Five business days following the test date, PTE results are made public.


The Educational Testing Service created the TOEFL, the first test in the series (ETS). Numerous colleges throughout thousands of nations, including the US, UK, Canada, and Australia, accept TOEFL results. This test evaluates applicants’ hearing, reading, grammar, and writing abilities. It can be done on paper or online.

  • Because TOEFL is more based on American English, you should choose it if you are more at ease with American terminology, idioms, and accents.
  • The TOEFL exam, which can run up to 4 hours, is the longest of the three.
  • The range of knowledge is 0 to 120.
  • The test is in an MCQ format.
  • Ten days after the test date, the results are accessible online.

Structure of English language tests


The IELTS Academic test is broken up into four sections:

  • Listening: Four native speakers’ recordings will be played for you to hear. After that, you must respond to 40 questions. This module takes 40 minutes to complete.
  • Academic Reading: After reading three works, you must respond to forty questions. This module will take 60 minutes to complete in its entirety.
  • These two assignments are for academic writing. For the first job, you must use your words to explain a graph, chart, table, or other visual information. The second objective requires you to compose an essay about a certain point of view, defence, or issue. This module lasts for 60 minutes.
  • Speaking: Your conversation with the examiner will consist of three parts: an introduction to yourself, a description of or an opinion on a specific issue, and a discussion of the topic’s nuances. This module lasts 11 to 14 minutes.

The structure remains the same for computer-based IELTS


TOEFL also has four sections:

  • Reading: You must review three or four chapters from specialised books. Following that, you must respond to the 20 questions. This module lasts 35 Minutes.
  • You must listen to four audio and then respond to 28  questions. This module lasts between 36 minutes.
  • Speaking: You must provide your perspective on a well-known subject and give responses based on reading and listening exercises. This module lasts for 16 minute.
  • There are two writing assignments in this section. You’ll have to provide essay replies that back up your points of view. This module lasts for 29 minutes.


PTE has three parts

  • Speaking and Writing: Several activities, such as introducing oneself, reading aloud, describing a picture, summarizing a text, writing an essay, and more, will be required of you. This segment will last 77–93 minutes.
  • Reading: You’ll have to do assignments like filling in the gaps, selecting the correct answer, and rearranging paragraphs. This section lasts 32 to 40 minutes.
  • Listening: You will be required to respond to a series of questions after listening to or seeing the audio or video recordings. This segment lasts 45 to 57 minutes.

IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE, which is easier

The question arises in everybody’s mind which IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE is easier. All of these tests are challenging to attempt. If you will appear for any of the tests mentioned above, then prepare properly for it.

IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE score comparison

Below mentioned are the IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE score comparison

The TOEFL iBT has a total score of 120 and awards 30 points for each of its four parts, whereas IELTS employs a 9-band system for both sectional and overall results. The PTE provides an overall score and separate ratings for communication skills and activation abilities using a granular scale from 10 to 90.


MBA schools and other programs use three primary English language examinations as of 2023 to evaluate an applicant’s proficiency in the language. IELTS and TOEFL were formerly the most popular (IELTS). The Pearson Test of English Academic was released in 2009 by Pearson, one of the US’s most well-known publishing and educational corporations (PTE Academic). The three examinations yield comparable outcomes ; however, not all Courses offered, for instance, accept all three exams. While foreign schools in the US far more frequently recognize TOEFL, IELTS is generally more acceptable in Europe and Australia. Despite being the newest of the three, PTE Academic is making significant progress toward becoming recognized by Undergraduate courses worldwide. Through this blog, we have discussed IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE, IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE, which is easier, and IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE score comparison.

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