Brighton and Hove, England
Total Students
QS Ranking (2023)
Not ranked by QS
Bellerbys College was a series of two (formerly four) private international co-educational boarding schools based in the UK, owned by Study Group. It offered students subject pathway courses. Its colleges closed in September 2022.
a) Type of university: Private university
b) Affiliations: Not affiliated with any other university
c) No. of students: 500
d) Location: Brighton, Cambridge, and London
e) Website:
f) Campus locations: Brighton, Cambridge, and London
a) QS ranking global: Not ranked by QS Global
b) THE ranking global: Not ranked by THE Global
c) Guardian ranking: Not ranked by the Guardian
a) Cost of tuitions: The average cost of tuition was £25,000 per year.
b) Cost of living: The cost of living in the UK is around £1,200 per month.
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