Bencoolen St, Singapore
Total Students
Over 3,000 Students
QS Ranking (2023)
111th in the world for art and design
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) is a public university in Singapore. · It was founded in 1938 and is the oldest and largest arts institution in Singapore. NAFA offers a wide range of courses in art, design, and the performing arts at the diploma and degree levels.
a) Type of university: Public university
b) Affiliations: Not affiliated with any other university.
c) No. of students: NAFA has over 3,000 students. About half of the students are Singaporean citizens and permanent residents. The other half are international students from over 50 countries.
d) Location: NAFA has three campuses located in the central business district of Singapore.
e) Website:
f) Campus locations:
-NAFA has three campuses located in the central business district of Singapore.
-The main campus is located at 80 Bencoolen Street.
-The other two campuses are located at 38 Bencoolen Street and 151 Bencoolen Street.
a) QS ranking global: 111th in the world for art and design
b) THE ranking global: 100th in the world for art and design
c) Guardian ranking: 60th in the world for art and design
a) Cost of tuitions: The average tuition fee for a full-time degree program is around $20,000 per year.
b) Cost of living: The average monthly cost of living for an international student is around $2,000.
If you are planning to study in Singapore and targeting this university, you can get in touch with AEC. Give us a call on 080-69029999 or 011-43334444 to get assistance on call. You can also write a query and sent it to us at