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Studying in the USA

Scholarship Opportunities for Studying in the USA


Obtaining an international degree helps you expand your career and personal horizons. It gives you an experience of a lifetime. The United States is one of the top destinations for students seeking to benefit from international education from widely recognized and highly ranked international universities and institutes. Several students want to proceed with their studies in the glorious environment of these universities. But the USA is quite a costly country for pursuing studies. Most of the students who aspire to study in the USA cannot fulfil their dream because of the limitation of money. Thankfully, there are a variety of scholarships available to study in U.S for Indian students.

Students can now achieve their dreams with the help of scholarships. Scholarships depend upon a student’s excellence and academic skills attained in the past. If a student is bright enough, then he/she can enjoy the benefits of obtaining one or more for themself. Scholarships are the monetary help provided to exemplary students.

A good academic score is an essential criterion for being eligible to avail of a scholarship. In some cases, factors like extracurricular activities are also considered. Each scholarship has different eligibility criteria. A mere application may be sufficient in some cases, while others may require various conditions to be fulfilled, like written assignments, etc. You can contact your institute’s or university’s centre to clear your doubts. Several students seek information about scholarships every year. There are two categories of scholarships based on the type of course or program and college or university students wish to apply for. The scholarships can be:

  1. Full scholarship: It incorporates tuition fees and living expenses.
  2. Partial scholarship: It comprises tuition fees only.

Indian students who prefer to pursue their higher education from American Universities and institutes have various scholarships available for them. Some are mentioned below:

TATA Scholarship for Cornell University

It is offered by a Tata Group of India as Tata Education and Development Trust donates to Cornell University to provide monetary assistance to exemplary Indian students desiring to study at their university. Twenty students are awarded scholarships by this university.

The Indian Trust Fellowship Scholarship

Two students exceptionally good in academics and have achievements in extracurricular activities are awarded the Indian Trust Fellowship grants scholarships. This scholarship is available in case of a full-time MBA program at Booth School of Business in Chicago.

Rotary Foundation Scholarship

Everyone except the members and associates is eligible to apply for the Rotary Foundation Scholarship. This scholarship is granted for the duration of the whole course or program duration or can be for 1 to 4 years. The scholarship is provided in case of a few subjects that a student would study in the American University. Rotary Foundation provides students with scholarships if they are working on any of the six areas mentioned below:

  1. Water sanitation
  2. Basic education and literacy
  3. Promoting peace
  4. Economic Development
  5. Supporting maternal and child health
  6. Protection from diseases

InlaksShivdasani Foundation Scholarship

Since 1976, the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation has been granting scholarships in Indian. This scholarship is provided to students for their expertise in any field which could prove useful to society. Also, these scholarships are available if students are going to pursue higher education in European and North American countries. The amount of money granted is up to $100,000. If case some total of your tuition fee and living expenses surpasses $100,000, then you need to prove that you can pay the excess of these expenses yourself. Scholarships will not be granted if the student has enrolled in higher studies in the field of computer science, engineering, medicine, music, fashion design, film animation, and business studies.

SEED Foundation Scholarship

SEED Foundation is one of India’s biggest scholarship programs offered to Indian youth aspiring to acquire an international degree. It is endeavoured to support Indian youth with the help of this scholarship. The eligibility criteria for this scholarship require a student to be of an Asian-Indian ethnicity. The aspirant must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 while graduating from a U.S. high school. The student should register as a full-time undergraduate with an American university in the fall.

Microsoft Scholarships

Microsoft, a globally renowned company, awards scholarships to students desiring to proceed with higher education in fields of engineering, science, technology, computer science, and math disciplines, i.e., STEM. The students must be enthusiastic about exploring and learning about the software and technology industry. The amount of scholarships covers only the tuition fees.

Narotam Sekhsarai Postgraduate Scholarship

This scholarship is based on the merit of Indian students for post-graduation programs and courses in the U.S. Students must have scored well in various subjects like applied sciences, humanities, architecture, law, social sciences, and management. The maximum amount of financial help provided under this scholarship is Rs. 20 lakhs. The money will be granted as per the performance of a student in the assessment exam.

Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowships 

Through this scholarship program, Reliance Industries support Indian Students pursuing an MBA at Stanford University by funding 80% of the fees. This scholarship was started by Reliance Industries and Stanford Business School and is named Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowships. It provides financial help to exemplary Indian students for continuing their education at Stanford Business School. Five students are given this scholarship. The total amount of scholarship awarded is $150,000. But the student has to come back once his/her MBA is completed and has to work in an Indian organization.

With a broad range of scholarship alternatives available for Indian students, the financial burden of pursuing higher education in the United States is reduced. So, we can say that a student can study in the USA for freeMany Indian students can accomplish their goals of studying in the United States and achieving great career heights with the scholarship programs mentioned above. Students must invest time researching the scholarship that would be the best fit for them according to their needs and academic achievements.

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