UK’s Chevening Scholarships Applications Open till November 5

UK’s Chevening Scholarships Applications Open till November 5


Applications for the UK’s Chevening Scholarships are open until November 5. Candidates who are interested in applying must provide their academic records, references, and an offer letter from at least one UK university as per the timeline mentioned on the official website.

The online application period for Chevening Scholarships, aimed at students wishing to study in the UK, started on August 6. Candidates have until November 5, 12 pm (GMT) to submit their applications via the official website, chevening.org.

To complete the application process, candidates must submit their educational documents, references, and at least one offer from a UK university, as per the instructions provided on the website.

Successful applicants will receive full coverage of their tuition fees, round-trip travel expenses from their home country, as well as an allowance upon arrival and departure. Additionally, a monthly stipend will be provided to cover living and housing expenses.

Chevening Scholarship: Eligibility Requirements

 – Applicants must be citizens of a country or territory listed as eligible for the Chevening program.

 – After completing the scholarship, recipients must return to their home country for at least two years.

– Candidates are required to have at least two years of work experience, equating to approximately 2,800 hours.

 – Applicants must hold an undergraduate degree to be eligible for master’s programs in the UK.

– Candidates should apply to three different courses, ensuring they receive an offer from at least one of them. Before applying, candidates must ensure they have acquired a minimum of two years (2,800 hours) of work experience, which may include full-time or part-time employment, voluntary work, and both paid and unpaid internships. Applicants can combine up to 15 separate work experiences to meet this requirement.

Selected candidates will receive email notifications at various stages of the application process, and they can also track their progress through the online application system by logging in with their credentials.


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