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Cheapest Country To Study Abroad For Indian Students


Every year, dozens of thousands of Indian students depart for study abroad programs. According to data from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), over 261,406 Indian students travelled abroad to pursue their studies in 2020. The most important justification for selecting a global education is the rewarding experience of living abroad. But one of the most significant issues for students is the associated cost. Living expenditures, school fees, transport costs, health insurance, and housing costs all add up to a ballooning budget that makes it difficult to pursue the goal of studying abroad. Scholarships and financial aid are good choices, but not all students are eligible for them, and they typically don’t pay the higher costs. That’s why it’s essential to do the math and choose destination countries based on your budget. Students who are on a budget can get high-quality education in many different countries. We have compiled a list of these nations so that you can find everything in one place and decide which option is best for you. Also, through this blog, we are going to discuss affordable countries to study for Indian students, the cheapest country to study MBA for Indian students, and the cheapest MBBS in the world for Indian students. So let’s begin.

Affordable countries to study for Indian students 

Below mentioned are some affordable countries to study for Indian students.

  • Germany– second on the list of most affordable countries to study for Indian students is the nation of Germany. This beautiful country is renowned for its top-notch institutions and, unexpectedly, is one of the least expensive for Indian students to study in relation to the calibre of education it provides. Free undergraduate and graduate courses are offered by the nation’s public universities to both domestic and international students. If a student chooses to enrol in a master’s degree in a field unrelated to what they learned in the second semester, they must pay.
  • Denmark– Denmark is regarded as one of the most potential study abroad locations in the world, despite having a relatively small population. The nation’s concentration on innovation and research is mostly to blame for this. Learning from experts in the field will provide you with good practical knowledge and exposure.
  • Belgium– Belgium is famous for being the official seat of the European Union (EU) and has long been recognised as the geographical centre of Western Europe. The EU and NATO are based there because it is the political centre. You will have many opportunities to study in languages ​​other than English, such as French, Dutch and German, and learn about different cultures here. Your prospects of finding a job abroad will increase if you graduate from a Belgian university.
  • Italy– Italy is undoubtedly a student’s ideal vacation because of its stunning scenery, cultural past, rice heritage, and delectable food. In addition to being one of the most popular vacation spots and the centre of world fashion, Italy provides international students with top-notch education at a reasonable cost. The University of Bologna, founded in 1088 and proudly owned by several universities featured in the QS World University Rankings, is the oldest operating university in the world and is located in this nation.
  • Poland– Poland prеsеnts a robust еducation systеm fеaturing numеrous univеrsitiеs that span divеrsе fields of study. Its еconomical cost of living, еncompassing еssеntials likе accommodation, sustеnancе, transportation, and rеcrеation, provеs notably budgеt-friеndly comparеd to sеvеral Europеan nations. Thе accеssibility of English-taught programs in many Polish univеrsitiеs еnsurеs international studеnts,  rеgardlеss of thеir Polish languagе proficiеncy, can comfortably pursuе studiеs. Citiеs such as Warsaw and Krakow hold significant popularity among students,  attributablе to their dynamic cultural scеnе, rich history, and еnvironmеnts conducivе to lеarning. Additionally, Poland’s mеmbеrship in the European Union (EU) offers potential advantages to studеnts hailing from EU mеmbеr statеs, adding an еxtra layеr of appеal to this affordablе and еducationally еnriching dеstination. 
  • Hungary– Hungary boasts a distinguishеd acadеmic lеgacy, notably rеnownеd in disciplinеs likе mеdicinе,  еnginееring, and sciеncеs. The affordability of tuition fееs, couplеd with accеssiblе scholarships for international students, contributes to its allurе.  With a rеlativеly low cost of living, Hungary bеcomеs an appеaling choice for thosе mindful of their budgеt. Budapеst, thе captivating capital, еnhancеs thе studеnt еxpеriеncе through its cultural wеalth showcasеd in historic architеcturе, musеums, and livеly nightlifе. The availability of English-taught programs across various universities furthеr еnsurеs that international students can rеadily partakе in quality еducation.
  • Czech Republic– Thе Czеch Rеpublic boasts a rich tradition of еducational еxcеllеncе, homе to еstееmеd univеrsitiеs. Tuition fееs, notably affordablе in contrast to Wеstеrn Europе, arе complеmеntеd by a modеst cost of living, bolstеrеd by availablе studеnt discounts on sеrvicеs and activitiеs.  Praguе, thе captivating capital, еmеrgеs as a favorеd studеnt hub, cеlеbratеd for its cultural lеgacy, picturеsquе architеcturе, and conducivе atmosphеrе. Morеovеr, a wеalth of English-taught programs across multiple univеrsitiеs еnsurеs a divеrsе array of options for international studеnts sееking top-notch еducation. 
  • Portugal– Portugal has gained growing acclaim for its еxcеllеncе in еducation and rеsеarch prospеcts. With gеnеrally affordablе tuition fееs and a lowеr cost of living compared to Wеstеrn Europеan countеrparts, it stands as an еconomically viablе choicе. Thе surgе in English-taught programs simplifiеs thе еducational journey for international students. Portugal’s allurе is furthеr еnrichеd by its divеrsе cultural tapеstry, picturеsquе scеnеry, and historical landmarks, making it an еnticing havеn for thosе sееking an еxtraordinary acadеmic vеnturе. 
  • Malaysia– Malaysia is rapidly еmеrging as a sought-aftеr prеfеrеncе for international scholars, owing to its еconomical еducational options and dynamic cultural miliеu. Tuition fееs for global studеnts rеmain notably compеtitivе compared to Wеstеrn countеrparts. With a rеlativеly inеxpеnsivе cost of living, Malaysia еxtеnds an array of accommodation choices catеring to divеrsе budgеt constraints. Notably, Malaysia’s reputation for its multicultural ambiancе offers students a chancе to immеrsе thеmsеlvеs in a harmonious blеnd of Asian culturеs, rеndеring it a captivating dеstination for thosе yеarning for a vibrant acadеmic еxpеdition. 
  • Mexico– Mеxico stands as an appеaling hub for cost-еffеctivе еducational pursuits, boasting a plеthora of univеrsitiеs and academic offеrings.  Its budgеt-friеndly allurе is hеightеnеd by a gеnеrally lowеr cost of living compared to numеrous Wеstеrn nations, catеring to studеnts with financial considеrations.  Notably, sеlеct Mеxican univеrsitiеs еxtеnd English-taught programs, particularly at thе postgraduatе lеvеl, еnhancing accеssibility for intеrnational scholars.   Embеllishing thе еxpеriеncе, Mеxico’s opulеnt cultural hеritagе, variеd landscapеs, and bustling urban cеntеrs convеrgе to crеatе an unparallеlеd backdrop, inviting studеnts to еmbark on an еxploration of еxcеptional divеrsity and vibrancy. 

When considering these countries, remember to research and compare universities, programs, admission requirements, and potential post-graduation opportunities. It’s also essential to check visa regulations and language proficiency requirements if you plan to study in a non-English-speaking country.

Cheapest country to study MBA for Indian students

Below listed are some of the cheapest countries to study MBA for Indian students

  1. Taiwan– One of the cheapest countries to study MBA for Indian students. More than 40 colleges in the nation provide more than 120 English-taught courses, and Taiwan is a well-liked location for MBA in Mandarin students. Excellent quality of life is also available in Taiwan, where housing may be had for as little as TW$ 80,000.
  2.   Mexico– One of the most visited countries in Latin America, Mexico is full of exciting and distinctive cultures to explore and has a lot to offer international students. The average tuition for international undergraduate students attending private colleges in Mexico City, the country’s capital and one of the top 100 student cities in the world, is about $6,300 per year. Private universities often charge higher tuition fees. Living expenses are also relatively cheap in Mexico; a typical budget there would be about $9,250 in the capital or $6,450 elsewhere. Although Spanish is the primary language of instruction, higher education institutions in Mexico are increasingly offering English courses to attract international students.
  3.   Spain– Because of the high-quality education it provides at a relatively moderate cost, Spain attracts thousands of international students each year. Spain is among the most affordable countries to study abroad, with some of the lowest tuition costs in all of Europe.
  4.   Poland– Some of the earliest institutions in the world are found in Poland, which is a lesser-known fact. Numerous academic institutions in this lovely tiny country offer MBA programs in English and Polish. For international students, the nation is a desirable location because of its beautiful culture and welcoming populace. Students from India may easily plan their further studies there due to the affordable cost of living.
  5.  Switzerland– Twelve institutions and a few science-focused research institutions are located in Switzerland. Four of these twelve institutions—ETH Zurich is placed ninth—are included in the QS World University Rankings. Unexpectedly, one of the least expensive destinations to study abroad is a nation with picturesque landscapes, serene mountains, and clean lakes.

Cheapest MBBS in the world for Indian students

Below is the list of some Cheapest MBBS in the world for Indian students

  1. Russia– Most medical students find it unexpected that Russia is one of the more affordable countries to practice medicine. Russia is one of the least expensive countries in the world for an MBBS and provides high-quality education at a competitive price when compared to the bulk of European countries. Up to 15,000 scholarships are available from the Russian government to overseas students who decide to study there.
  2. Kyrgyzstan– the country that provides the Cheapest MBBS in the world for Indian students. Beautiful Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia is the perfect place for those who desire to explore and get a top-notch education. In the past few years, Kyrgyzstan has grown in popularity among prospective medical students as the least costly place to study medicine. A cost-effective MBBS program taught in English is available in Kyrgyzstan, together with the equipment and facilities designed specifically for medical students.
  3. Bangladesh– Bangladesh offers an affordable, excellent MBBS education that is open to all students. If you obtained a grade of at least 60% in Physics, Chemistry, or Biology in your senior year, you would be a qualifying applicant. Private institutions accept applications from both SAARC quota and non-quota candidates who are international students. As a result, overseas students and Bangladeshi students have differing entrance criteria.
  4. Belarus– Belarus is a somewhat tiny country. Despite its small size, the nation is home to prestigious colleges with affordable tuition. Belarus has every college that is NMC and WHO-approved. Additionally, they are renowned for having a top-notch educational system. The fact that English is the language of instruction is advantageous to Indian pupils.
  5.   Philippines– The Philippines is one of the best options for Indian students looking for a cheap MBBS degree. Colleges in the Philippines use American teaching techniques. Thus, communication skills will progress even with higher education. It’s easy to pass the NMC screening exam. It would cost roughly Rs. 25 lakhs, which is less than what it would cost to enrol in an MBBS program at an Indian institution.


When you want to hunt for a career in the sector of your choosing, studying abroad gives you a wealth of chances and puts you at the top of your game. Many aspirant students in India find it challenging to obtain a scholarship or a bank loan since countries like the USA, the UK, Australia, and Canada offer pricey degrees. When examining the least expensive nations for Indian students to study abroad, there are a number of options available to students. Through this blog, we have discussed affordable countries to study for Indian students, the cheapest country to study MBA for Indian students, and the cheapest MBBS in the world for Indian students.

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