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Useful Tips to Prepare an Impressive Statement of Purpose


Finally, you have decided to study abroad in your dream destination! So, it is the right time to write your ‘Statement of Purpose (SOP)’. Like many students, you also think that it is just an essay in which you need to write what you want to achieve through the course? If you are thinking the same, then sorry. You are WRONG.

This essay may very well be one of the difficult essays, and needless to say, the most important one. But, what is SOP, why universities ask for it, and how to write an impressive copy? In this post, we will explain everything about SOP. Let us get started!

What is a Statement of Purpose (SOP)?

It is an application essay you need while applying to your preferred program or course at your dream university. It is possibly the best and easiest way to express your achievements and goals to the faculty members and admission officers of your discipline.

Why Do Universities Ask for it?

This essay helps universities and colleges to decide if the students are interested in the course that they have applied for, their abilities to pursue that program and completing it successfully, and whether or not they can contribute to the institute later on.

Just like a good job application or cover letter that helps candidates represent themselves in the job market, this essay will help applicants/students highlight their strengths during the admission process. A well-written Statement of Purpose (SOP) attracts the university’s admissions officers and faculties who wade through countless applications.

Useful Tips to Write an Impressive Statement of Purpose (SOP)

If you do not know how and where to start writing for your SOP, here are the useful tips that will help you write an impressive one to stand out:

Tip 1: Customize

This is undeniably the most important tip that you need to keep in mind while writing a Statement of Purpose (SOP). You must customize your SOP to every course or university that you apply to. You do not need to start from scratch for every SOP but you must ensure that significant parts of the documents are course and university/college-specific. Your SOP essay must tell the admissions committee why you selected to apply to their university/college over others.

Tip 2: Mention Your Qualifications and Education Background

Explain why you are selecting that course or program. Include a summary of your previous education and career (if any). Mention relevant scholarly extracurricular activities. In case, the course you are applying for has any special requirements i.e. foreign language proficiency, you will need to write the ways on how you fulfilled them.

Tip 3: Explain Your Interests

Your interests should be an important part of your Statement of Purpose (SOP). You can talk about what inspired your interest in that area and how it will help you contribute to that particular community or field. If you want then you can ask your consultant to provide you with some samples or you can check online to have an idea on the same.

Tip 4: Be Concise

Unless a specific word count is given by the university or mentioned in the application, a Statement of Purpose (SOP) should not be more than one or two pages. Do not add unnecessary information or words to make it lengthy. This approach will make your essay look uninteresting. Since every word count, be concise and clear with what you write.

Tip 5: Do Not Tell Your LIFE Story

Just adding more words to the previous tip, avoid access storytelling in your SOP. Do not waste the limited space available in telling the admissions committee or officers how you have always wanted to be a psychologist or data scientist, for instance. They already know you are passionate about the subject and the field that is why you are applying for that program.

Tip 6: Ask for Feedback

When you have written your SOP, ask your consultant to read it over and provide valuable feedback. Study abroad consultants are experts and know what should be added and what should not. Some consultants like AEC also help you edit and proofread the copy and make it impressive and more presentable.

Related: 10 Things You Must Check Before Applying to a Foreign University

Some Quick Tips for Writing a Good SOP

In addition to the tips mentioned above, some more points have been listed here that will help you write a good SOP:

  • Start early and spend enough time on brainstorming and introspection ideas and life events
  • Focus more on passion, self-motivation, potential, and competence
  • Use active voice not passive voice for your SOP
  • Keep your tone formal but conversational
  • Write persuasively


To know more about SOP writing, you can get in touch with AEC. We have a team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals. They will not only help you shortlist your options but with SOP writing as well. Contact us or book your counseling session to get answers to all your queries related to study abroad.

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