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Grading System in UK


Grading System in UK

International students get confused by the grading system in the United Kingdom. Qualifications in the UK are organized into levels. These levels represent the different levels of qualifications and the grading scales. Level 4, 5, & 6 represent the first, second, and third year of a degree program. In this blog, let’s discuss the grading system used in the UK.

Grading System for GCSEs

GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are a set of exams for students in the UK in the age group of 16. Grades are given on a scale of 9-1, with 9 is considered as the highest grade and 1 being the lowest. This has since replaced the previous grading system of A-G

Grading System for A-Levels

A-levels are a set of exams for students in the UK in the age group of 18. Grades are given on a scale of A*-E, with A* is considered the highest grade and E is ranked as the lowest. To get an A* grade, students have to score at least 90% on their A-level exams. To achieve an A grade, students needed a score of at least 80%.

Grading System for Undergraduate Degrees

The grading scale used for undergraduate degrees in the UK is dependent on the university. Some universities apply a percentage system, while others may apply a letter grade system or a point system.

Percentage System

In the percentage system, grades are awarded on a scale of 0-100. 70 or above is awarded a First-class honors degree, 60-69 is considered as an Upper Second-class honors degree, 50-59 is considered a Lower Second-class honors degree, and 40-49  is given a Third-class honors degree. A score below 40 is given a fail grade.

Letter Grade System

In the letter grade system, grades are given on a scale of A-F, with A is considered as the highest grade and F is considered as the lowest. Some universities also apply a plus and minus system to demonstrate grades that are a little bit  above or below the cutoff for a particular grade.

Point System

In the point system, grades are awarded a certain number of points based on a student’s level of achievement. For example, a First-class honors degree is given 4 points, while a Third-class honors degree is given 2 points.

Grading System for Postgraduate Degrees

The grading system for postgraduate degrees in the UK is different from institution to institution , but the most commonly used  grading scale used is as follows:

  • Distinction: This is the highest grade and is given to those students who have shown exceptional performance throughout their degree program.
  • Merit: Students who have proved a high level of achievement, but did not actually achieve the standard required for a Distinction.
  • Pass: This grade is given to students who have successfully finished their degree program but did not get a Merit or Distinction.
  • Fail: Students who did not fulfill the minimum criteria to pass their degree program are given Fail grade.

UK vs US Grading System

The grading system in the UK and the US varies differently  in their structure and approach to evaluation. While both systems apply a combination of letters and numbers to show a student’s academic performance, the scale, criteria, and grading methods used in the two countries are different.

  • Grading Scale: In the UK, undergraduate degree classifications are given on a percentage score, with a scale of 0 to 100. These scores are then classified into letter grades. The following scales are used: First Class (70% and above), Upper Second Class (60-69%), Lower Second Class (50-59%), Third Class (40-49%), and Fail (below 40%). However, the US grading system applies letter grades, with an A denoting the highest level of achievement and an F denoting a failing grade. The US grading system may also apply a plus or minus modifier to demonstrate performance within a particular letter grade
  • Criteria: The criteria used to assess the academic performance is also different between two systems. In the UK, grading is awarded based on the level of knowledge and understanding shown by the student, as well the ability to analyze and apply that knowledge to new situations. Also, assignments and exams encourage independent research and critical thinking. 

In the US, attendance, participation, and homework, in addition to exams and assignments, are used for evaluation of academic performance. The US system also gives priority to extracurricular activities, where students are needed to participate in sports or community service in order to achieve high grades.

  • Grading Methods: UK vs US- In the UK, academic performance are mainly evaluated on the basis of exams. However, the US system gives more priority to coursework and continuous assessment throughout the academic year. In the US grading methods, students receive feedback on their performance throughout the year, not at the term end of the semester.

Grading curves is another key difference between the two systems. In the US, professors apply a grading curve to adjust grades based on the overall performance of the class. In other words, a professor may adjust a student’s grade based on the performance of their classmates. The UK does not use grading curves. Grades are awarded solely based on the student’s individual performance.

Finally, the US system is dependent on the use of GPA (Grade Point Average) to assess a student’s overall academic performance. GPA is an actual weighted average of all grades received during the academic year. This is often utilized by employers and graduate schools to examine a student’s academic record.

However, the UK system does not typically depend on GPA as a benchmark of academic performance. It simply depends on the classification of the degree earned.

Frequently Asked Questions

What grade is 80% in the UK?

In the UK grading system, an 80% score would mean a grade of either a first-class honors degree or a high 2:1 (upper second-class) degree. This would depend on the specific grading scale used by the institution.

In most UK universities,   students are awarded a first-class honors degree who achieve an overall score of 70% or higher. Students awarded a high 2:1 degree who achieve a score between 60% and 69%. Different institutions will have different criteria for awarding degree classifications.

What is the highest GPA in the UK?

The UK applies different grading systems for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. It doesn’t apply the GPA (Grade Point Average) system used in the US. The UK applies a percentage-based grading system.  A percentage score is awarded for each assessment. Finally, an overall grade is given based on the average of these scores.

First-class honors degree is the highest possible grade. This is given to students who achieve an overall score of 70% or higher. The percentage scores awarded for individual assessments can vary depending on the difficulty of the task and the marking criteria.

What grade is distinction UK?

In the UK, the term ‘distinction denotes a high level of achievement in postgraduate study.  Masters degrees and Doctorates use this term generally. The exact meaning of ‘distinction’ differs from institution to institution.Different universities may apply  different grading scales or criteria to give distinctions. However, a student who achieves a high level of academic performance is eligible for distinction. Such academic performance may include a certain minimum percentage score or grade point average (GPA) in their assessments or coursework. Some universities may apply additional criteria, such as the submission of a research thesis or a  significant contribution to the field of study.

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