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Career Guidance After 12th Standard is like road trips to the futuristic possibilities


Today there is a vast range of career options after the 12th standard, and so is the ever-rising competition among students. And hence, deciding upon which career to choose has also become one of the challenging tasks for the students. However, that does not cease its importance. In fact, choosing the right career these days has become even more crucial than having the best life partner. It is, therefore, that opting for the best career counseling after 12th has become mandatory for every scholar.

After all, more than anything else it the career you choose that is going to determine how you live and feel the rest of your life. 

If you are not already aware, here is the list of the top-most reasons why career guidance is significant for you and all the students of today’s generation:

A well-read career guide makes the options look less intimidating

As mentioned above, the availability of numerous courses, colleges, certifications, and job opportunities can look very intimidating for a student. Career guidance can, however, make things look simpler and hence, less intimidating for every student. 

Students can have a proper insight about each option that they have in their hands

With the number of options that students can make today, it is very unlikely for them to be able to remember and stay well-informed about each one of them. Proper career guidance after 12th standard from a reliable source can evidently provide the students with proper insight about every option that they have in their hands. This can help students make better and well-informed choices regarding such crucial decisions of life. Hence, it is said and believed that the proper career guidance can make a great contribution to the lifestyles of the students. 

Career guidance sessions can make a huge contribution to the students’ lifestyle

More insight on facts and figures of the choices can help the students opt for effective and satisfactory jobs or other career options. This is turn will help them live a respectful and confident lifestyle with lesser worries than otherwise. Also, stepping into the desired career path helps an individual stay more confident and dedicated than others.  

Career guidance sessions can give students the chance to rethink and explore more

By learning more about the various career options, students can be helped to explore more areas and subjects of their interest and rethink about the kind of career or the lifestyle that they ultimately want to settle for in their lives. 

Students are not only given the opportunity to learn and relearn their strengths and weaknesses

Since 10th and 12th standards open doors to newfound love and interest for various aspects and subjects, students oftentimes end up confused and at times, choosing a weaker career path to follow. In such cases, proper career counseling sessions can help the students to relearn and discover their strengths and weaknesses, identify more of their different capabilities and strong personality traits.

It helps students determine their strength in a subject matter at a very early stage

The career guidance sessions are like road trips to various possibilities of the future. Apart from a general understanding of life and work, each of these sessions also provides a better and more specific comprehension of the realistic and practical consequences of the career options that are available to them. Being aware of all their choices at an early age, students can focus better on what matters and hence walk towards their professional goals with the required determination and faith.

Last but not least, it helps in enlightening the parents too

It is often seen that many parents (intended or not) typically tend to pressurize their children into opting for the career options that they want them to choose. Be it direct or indirect, too much of it has been proven to induce more confusion and lowered self-esteem in students. With the right strategy, awareness of the future trends, and prospects of different career clusters, the right career counseling after 12th can help the parents be more aware and acknowledge their children’s strengths better.

Now that we have covered most about the importance of career guidance for students, let us look at the most preferred career choices that students often make and steps to how you should choose yours:

List of some of the popular courses that you can opt for:

  • Engineering
  • Chartered Accountancy
  • Medical Profession
  • Fashion Designing
  • CMA (Cost and Management Accountants)
  • CS (Company Secretary)
  • ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)
  • BCA (Bachelor in Computer Application)
  • B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce)
  • BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)
  • Bachelor of Statistics

Note that these are only examples of the most common choices. There are seas and oceans of other career options that might best suit your preference and capabilities. Research more about what manifests you and reach out to us for detailed career guidance right away.

Apart from being well-informed about your options, here are a few tips and suggestions on the do(s) and don’t(s) while making your choice after 12th or at any point of life for that matter:

  • Try to identify your strengths and weaknesses by yourself

Being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, aptitudes, interests, and personality traits will help you have a clear state of mind from the get-go and decrease your dependency on others.

  • Do not let others belittle your weaknesses and underestimate your strong points

Be it your competitors or friends and family, do not lose hope, and do not let others belittle your weaknesses and undermine your strong points. 

  • Do not rush

It is important that you always take time and decide when you are calm and sure about what exactly you want to do.

  • Always ask several questions to your career guide

Never hesitate to ask multiple questions to your career guide or counselor. Clear all your doubts and try to narrow down your searches to the best options that match your interests.

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